Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today's Journey with Sarcoidosis

I have had the S attached to me for many years and we as Sark's we have to learn how to live with and not allow this disease to rule our lives

We have it ~ it does not have us! Sure we can't do the things we use or should I say the way we use to.  Take control of your Sark! We may not be able to function like we use to but we are still here and still able to do some things (thank God for that)!  As we are who we are ~ let's continue to help one another out and keep empowering one another.  I'm waiting to here from you (Sarks)!

What have you done on your journey with Sarcoidosis!

1 comment:

  1. My mom had this disease for over 20 years and I didn't know it. One day I got a call that she was in the hospital because she was coughing up blood. She went through alot but she made it. However, it happened again. This time she did not make it. She was a true fighter. She passed away at the tender age of 57 on December 25, 2008. Please, Please don't let this disease rule your life. Be a fighter, never give up. I hope all goes well in you life.
